събота, 1 май 2010 г.

само дъжд.

небето плачеше - есенно, сиво -
безнадеждно крещеше дъждът.
ние с теб си отивахме.
ние с теб си отивахме.
без посока.
без цел.
е без път.
един влак мина с вик през ръцете ни.
болка падна като гръм - изведнъж.
[ах, защо ли изобщо се раждат поетите !]
между нас само дъжд.
само дъжд ...

неделя, 25 април 2010 г.

ще те обичам от разстояние.

Ще те обичам от разстояние.
Ще те опазя от мен самата.
Тебе не искам да те ранявам.
Те си ми нещо като разплата.
Ти си ми нещо като проклятие.

И свръхподземно и свръхнебесно.
Когато превръщам мъжете си в братя,
всъщност им давам въже за бесене.
Тебе не искам да те обеся.
С тебе не искам да бъда вещица.
Ти си ми светлия спомен за песен,
която не съм делила с грешните.
Ти си ми времето, изброеното —
преди луната и след луната.
С тебе не може да бъде временно.
Ще те опазя от мен самата.

Ще те обичам от разстояние.

сряда, 21 април 2010 г.

какво ?

"u know who i am. and u're constantly expecting me to change. *she looks at him dumbfounded* and even right now as u're thinking, "crap, he's got a point," u still think u're ultimately right. i love u, Veronica. i love u. *after no response* do u love me ?"

събота, 17 април 2010 г.

me, myself and i part 4.

You can only say Guilty or Innocent.

You are not allowed to explain anything unless someone asks!

Have you ever...

Asked someone to marry you?

Kissed one of your Facebook friends?

Danced on a table in a bar?

Had feelings for someone whom you can't have back?

Kissed someone of the same sex?

Kissed a picture?

Slept in until 5 PM?

Fallen asleep at work/school?

Held a snake?

Been suspended from school?

Worked at a fast food restaurant

Done something you regret?

Laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose?

Caught a snowflake on your tongue?

Kissed in the rain?

Sat on a roof top?

Kissed someone you shouldn't?

Sung in the shower?

Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?

Shaved your head?

Slept naked?

Had a boxing membership?

Made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry?

Been in a band?

Shot a gun?

Donated Blood?

Eaten alligator meat?

Eaten cheesecake?

Kept loving someone you shouldn't?

Had a tattoo?

Liked someone, but will never tell who?

Been too honest?

Ruined a surprise?

Eaten in a restaurant and gotten really bloated so that you couldn't walk afterward?

Erased someone in your friends list?

Dressed in a woman's clothes (if you're a guy) or man's clothes (if you're a girl)?

Joined a pageant?

Been told that you're handsome or beautiful by someone who totally meant what they said?

Had communication w/your ex?

Gotten totally drunk one night when you had an important test the next morning?

Gotten totally angry that you cried so hard?

Tried to stay away from someone for their own good?

Thought about suicide?

Thought about murder?

How about Mass Murder?

Tried illegal drugs?

Stalked someone?

Been so drunk that you forgot things that happened while you were intoxicated?

Innocent - не мога да смятам. ;d
Guilty - 30

me, myself and i part 3.

i love horror movies.
i love musicals.
i’ve seen a broadway show.
the last person i hugged was my mom/dad.
all of my grandparents are alive.
i miss my boyfriend.
i havent talked to my best friend all day.
people tell me that im short. [all the time. ;[ ]
sometimes my socks dont match.
i cant wait til my birthday.
im a procrastinator.
im not like everyone else.
i like strawberries.
i like thunderstorms.
someones mad at me right now.
i hate when people are rude.
im an optimist.
i am really self-conscious.
my first relationship ended badly.
i love when boys hold doors open.
ive kissed 2+ people in one day.
ive had a boy sleep over at my house.
i smoke.
ive been caught doing drugs.
ive been caught cheating.
i havent been to disney world.
ive passed out from drinking.
i get angry easily.
i hate most girls.
i love getting new shoes.
i hate chinese food.
i dont remember the last time i was grounded.
i gave someone their first kiss.
i straighten my hair more often than i should.
i plan to wait for sex til marriage.
ive been to a funeral this year.
i am insanely hungry right now.
i should probably do something productive now.
i avoid some people on purpose.
ive cheated. [ммм.]
ive thought about cheating.
i hate the way i look most of the time.
i actually like the way i look most of the time.
ive been swimming in a lake.
i have siblings.
i have pets.
i love meeting new people.
i am insanely shy.
i play music.
my best friend is a boy.
i dont remember the last time i mailed a letter.
i talk on the phone every night.
i drink milk almost every day.
ive kissed someone in a bathroom.
ive kissed someone in bed.
ive kissed someone at school.
ive kissed someone i just met.
ive kissed a good friend.
i like to read.
i like to watch tv.
i hate my mom and dad.
ive had a crush on someone 5+ years older.
ive never asked someone out.
i can touch my nose with my tongue. [яна. ;[ ]
i love pizza.
i actually love going grocery shopping.
i love to travel.
ive been to another continent.
i wish i had time to watch more movies.
i miss being a little kid.
ive been to a public pool recently.
summer is my favorite time of the year.
winter is my favorite time of the year.
i have a favorite holiday.
i have a favorite holiday other than christmas.
ive been to a concert recently.
i drive.
i have my own car.
my room is almost always messy.
im listening to music right now.
music helps me work.
the last person i texted was a boy.
i want a new phone really bad.
i secretly love cartoons.
i am dating someone.
the last thing i drank was water.
i used to play with barbies.
i collect something.
ive been to a carnival recently.
i know what syncopation is.
i need to charge my phone.
i have a huge crush on someone right now.
ive kissed someone within the last 24 hours.
im still in my pajamas.
i have to go to school tomorrow
i need to clean something.
ive hurt myself on purpose.
ive thrown up on purpose.
ive broken a bone.
ive eaten something weird.
im an extremely picky eater.
ive been out to eat recently.

me, myself and i part 2.

I have read a lot of books.
I have been on some sort of varsity team.
I have run more than 2 miles without stopping.
I have been to Canada.
I have been to Europe.
I have watched cartoons for hours.
I have tripped UP the stairs.
I have fallen down an entire flight of stairs.
I have been snowboarding/skiing.
I have played ping pong.
I swam in the ocean.
I have been on a whale watch.
I have seen fireworks.
I have seen a shooting star.
I have seen a meteor shower.
I have almost drowned.
I have been so embarrassed I wanted to disappear.
I have listened to one CD over & over & over again.
I have had stitches.
I have had frostbite.
I have licked a frozen pole and got stuck there.
I have stayed up til 2 doing homework/projects.
I currently have a job.
I have been ice skating.
I have been rollerblading.
I have fallen flat on my face.
I have tripped over my own two feet.
I have been in a fist fight.
I have played videogames for more than 3 hours straight.
I have watched the power rangers.
I attend Church regularly.
I have played truth or dare.
I have already had my 16th birthday.
I have already had my 17th birthday. [ах. още само месец.]
I’ve called someone stupid.
I’ve been in a verbal argument. [хоби. ;d]
I’ve cried in school.
I’ve played basketball on a team.
I’ve played baseball on a team.
I’ve played football on a team.
I’ve played soccer on a team.
I’ve done cheerleading on a team.
I’ve played softball on a team.
I’ve played volleyball on a team.
I’ve played tennis on a team.
I’ve been on a track or cross country team.
I’ve been swimming more than 20 times in my life.
I’ve bungee jumped.
I’ve climbed a rock wall.
I’ve lost more than $20.
I’ve called myself an idiot.
I’ve called someone else an idiot.
I’ve cried myself to sleep.
I’ve had (or have) pets.
I’ve owned a spice girls CD.
I’ve owned a britney spears CD.
I’ve owned an N*Sync CD.
I’ve owned a backstreet boys CD.
I have sworn at someone of authority before.
I‘ve been in the newspaper.
I’ve been on TV.
I’ve been to Hawaii.
I’ve eaten sushi.
I’ve been on the other side of a waterfall.
I’ve watched all of the Lord of the Rings movies.
I’ve watched all the Harry Potter movies.

I’ve watched all of the Rocky movies.
I’ve watched the 3 stooges.
I’ve watched “Newlyweds” Nick & Jessica.
I’ve watched Looney Tunes.
I’ve been stuffed into a locker/I have stuffed others into lockers.
I’ve been called a geek.
I’ve studied hard for a test and got a bad grade.
I’ve not studied at all for a test and aced it.
I’ve hugged my mom within the past 24 hrs.
I’ve hugged my dad within the past 24 hours.
I’ve met a celebrity/music artist.
I’ve written poetry.
I’ve been arrested.
I’ve been attracted to someone much older than me.
I’ve been tickled till I’ve cried.
I’ve tickled someone else until they cried.
I’ve had/have siblings.
I’ve been to a rock concert.
I’ve listened to classical music and enjoyed it.
I’ve been in a play.
I’ve been picked last in gym class.
I’ve been picked first in gym class.
I’ve been picked in that middle-range in gym class.
I’ve cried in front of my friends.
I’ve read a book longer than 1,000 pages.
I’ve played Halo 2.
I’ve freaked out over a sports game.
I’ve been to Alaska.
I’ve been to China.
I’ve been to Spain.
I’ve been to Japan.
I’ve had a fight with someone on IM.
I’ve had a fight with someone face-to-face.
I’ve had serious conversations using IM.
I’ve forgiven someone who has done something wrong to me.
I’ve been forgiven.
I’ve screamed at a scary movie.
I’ve cried at a chick flick.
I’ve watched a lot of action movies.
I’ve screamed at the top of my lungs.
I’ve been to a rap concert.
I’ve been to a hip hop concert.
I’ve lived in more than 2 houses.
I’ve driven on the highway/been on the highway.
I’ve driven more than 400 miles in a day/been in a car that went more than 400 miles in a day.
I’ve been in a car accident.
I’ve done drugs.
I’ve been homesick.
I’ve thrown up.
I’ve puked on someone.
I’ve been horseback riding.
I’ve filled out more than 10 myspace surveys.
I’ve spoken my mind in public.
I’ve proven someone wrong.
I’ve been proven wrong by someone.
I’ve broken a leg.
I’ve broken an arm.
I’ve fallen off a swing.
I’ve swung on a swing for more than 30 mins straight
I’ve watched Winnie the Pooh movies.
I’ve forgotten my backpack when I’ve gone to school.
I’ve lost my backpack.
I’ve come close to dying.
I’ve seen someone die.
I’ve known someone who has died.
I’ve wanted to be an actor/actress at some point.
I’ve done modeling.
I’ve taken something/someone for granted.
I’ve realized how good my life is.
I’ve counted my blessings.
I’ve made fun of a classmate.
I’ve been asked out by someone and I said no.
I’ve slapped someone in the face.
I’ve been skateboarding.
I’ve been backstabbed by someone I thought was a friend.
I’ve lied to someone to their face.
I’ve told a little white lie.
I’ve taken a day off from school just so I don’t go insane.
I’ve fainted.
I’ve had an argument with someone about whether cheerleading is a sport or not.
I’ve pushed someone into a pool.
I’ve been pushed into a pool.
I’ve been/I am in love.

me, myself and i part 1.

I am a morning person.
I am a perfectionist.
I am an only child.
I am Catholic.
I am currently in my PJs.
I am currently pregnant.
I am currently suffering from a broken heart. [never ! ;dd]
I am left handed.
I am married.
I am addicted to MySpace. [was !]
I’m shy around the opposite sex.
I currently regret something I have done.
When I get mad, I curse.
I don’t like anyone.
I enjoy country music.
I enjoy jazz music.
I have a car.
I have a cell phone.
I have a pet.
I have at least one brother or sister.
I have been to another country.
I have been told that I’m smart.
I have been told that I have an unusual sense of humor.
I have had a broken bone.
I have changed a lot over the past year.
I have had surgery.
I have killed another person.
I have had my hair cut within the last week.
I have had the cops called on me.
I have kissed someone I knew I shouldn’t.
I have kissed someone of the same gender.
I have mood swings.
I like Shakespeare.
I love to cook. [but i can't. but i enjoy eating. ;d]
I like Michael Jackson.
I love sleeping.
I love to shop.
I miss someone right now.
I own over 100 CDs.
I own over 100 DVDs.
I own and use a library card.
I practice a religion that is not considered mainstream.
I read books for pleasure in my spare time.
I sleep a lot during the day.
I strongly dislike math.
I think Britney Spears is pretty.
I will try ALMOST anything once.
I work at a job that I enjoy.
I would classify myself as ghetto.
I can name all seven dwarfs from Snow White.
I am currently wearing socks.
I am tired.
I am currently waiting for someone.
I lost contact with someone.
I hate Miley Cyrus.
I think Party In The USA is catchy.
I’d date Harry Potter.
I can name all the past presidents of the United States.
I know who was president before George Bush.
I love pickles.
I need the internet to live.
I prefer vanilla over chocolate.
I watched Star Trek.
I watched all six movies of Star Wars. [не, но скоро ... яна ! ;d]
I own an Xbox.
I think music is life.


Acceptance. Coldplay. Dave Matthews Band. David Bowie. Foo Fighters. Hellogoodbye. The Killers. James Blunt. Teddy Geiger. Linkin Park. Muse. Ok Go. Panic At The Disco. Peter Bjorn & John. The Postal Service. Timbaland. Jack Johnson. Norah Jones. Drake. The Fray. The Wreckers. Michael Buble. Beyoncé. Metallica. Massive Attack. The Red Hot Chili Peppers. Wu-tang Clan. Fergie. Sarah McLachlan. Band of Horses. John Mayer. Jason Mraz. Justin Timberlake. Lil’ Wayne. Lil’ Jon. Three 6 Mafia. Nelly. Young Joc. T.I. Sean Paul. 50 Cent. Eminem. Michael Jackson. Kenny Chesney. Carrie Underwood. Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros. Lynyrd Skynyrd. Neil Young. The Beatles. Brad Paisley. Jack’s Mannequin. Tim McGraw. Taylor Swift. P. Diddy. Jay Z. Eiffel 65. Ace of Base. The Underdog Project. Dream Theater. Santana. Alicia Keys. Incubus. Victor Wooten. Ludacris. Gorillaz. Matchbox 20. Say Anything. Taking Back Sunday. Eric Clapton. The Darkness. Weezer. The Eagles. Jimi Hendrix. Maroon 5. Billy Joel. Paramore. Reel Big Fish. Anberlin. Mae. Family Force 5. AC/DC [преди да имат концерт на 14 - ти май. ;d]. Hootie and the Blowfish. Electric Six. Outkast. R.E.M. The White Stripes. Mika. Crystal Castles. Britney Spears. Spice Girls. The Gossip. Lady GaGa. Nirvana. Smashing Pumpkins. Third Eye Blind. Metro Station. All Time Low. Motion City Soundtrack. The Rocket Summer. Tenacious D. Something Corporate. The Moldy Peaches. Macy Gray. Mandy Moore. Plain White T’s. Yeah Yeah Yeahs. My Chemical Romance. Fall Out Boy. Lights. We the Kings. The Rolling Stones. Angels & Airwaves. Yacht. The Beastie Boys. Black Eyed Peas. Boys Like Girls. Jonas Brothers. Demi Lovato. Selena Gomez. Miley Cyrus. The Cure. Cobra Starship. Death Cab for Cutie. Deftones. Team Sleep. Filter. Goo Goo Dolls. Honor Society. Katy Perry. Kid Cudi. MCFLY. Never Shout Never. Passion Pit. Asher Roth.


Pride and Prejudice. Glory Road. The Princess Bride. Robin Hood Men In Tights. Love Actually. Garden State. Goonies. Center Stage. Ocean’s Eleven. Seven. Newsies. 300. Donnie Darko. Eternal Sunshine of the SpotlessMind. My Best Friend’s Wedding. Mean Girls. Hairspray. Moulin Rouge. Fight Club. Rocky. Pulp Fiction. What A Girl Wants. Kill Bill. Thank You For Smoking. Little Miss Sunshine. Requiem for a Dream. The Departed. Dawn of the Dead. Memento. The Lovely Bones. 17 Again. 8 Mile. Office Space. Snakes on a Plane. Boondock Saints. Say Anything. The Silence of the Lambs. Saving Private Ryan. Titanic. Steel Magnolias. Saw. Ace Ventura. She’s the Man. Because I Said So. Catch and Release. Music and Lyrics. Spanglish. Casablanca. Stick It. Step Up. The Fast and the Furious. Pineapple Express. Joyride. Halloween. The Italian Job. Crash. Marley & Me. Must Love Dogs. The Last Kiss. Chicago. Harry Potter. Rush Hour. Breakfast at Tiffany’s. Clerks. Shooter. The Bourne Identity. Meet the Parents. Dirty Dancing. A Christmas Story. Rudy. National Treasure. Sleepless in Seattle. Miss Congeniality. The Science of Sleep. The Matrix. Everything is Illuminated. Good Will Hunting. 500 Days of Summer. Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure. Empire Records. Phantom of the Opera. Lord of the Rings. Click. Scarface. District 9. The Notebook.

pick *me*, choose *me*, love *me*.

dr. Meredith Grey: okay, here it is, ur choice ... it's simple, her or me, and i'm sure she is really great. but, Derek, i love u, in a really, really big pretend to like ur taste in music, let u eat the last piece of cheesecake, hold a radio over my head outside your window, unfortunate way that makes me hate u, love u. so pick me, choose me, love me.

петък, 16 април 2010 г.

аз вярвам.

"аз вярвам в теорията за единствения куршум. можеш да се влюбваш и любиш много пъти, но има само един куршум, на който е гравирано името ти. и ако извадиш късмета да те прострелят с този куршум, раната никога не заздравява."

вторник, 13 април 2010 г.

the shorter story

учудва ме единствено, че този свят
спокоен още съществува:
не падна слънцето и птиците летят,
и хората ядат и се целуват ...
нима трагедиите ни са толкова нищожни
и нищо
не могат
да променят ?
жестоко е. безсмислено е. невъзможно е.
непоправимо стана като смърт.


това са часове – които не могат и да продължат –
но не го каза

когато той й повтаряше,
че утре ще я чака отново.
и да бъда така добра –
да дойда малко по - рано
от обикновено.

това са часове, които не могат да се повторят –
нито да продължат.
повтаряше си го непрекъснато –
когато се връщаше от тези часове.

а те съвсем неочаквано
се превръщаха в доказателство –
че е живяла прекалено щастливо,
както и прекалено дълго:

в една единствена събота.

някъде от един до седем часа.


празнотата след теб е убийствена -
по - голяма от всичко предишно.
много пъти поливах пред прага ти
семената, покълнали в нищото.

слабоумни канони ни смачкаха,
илюзорни, фалшиви експлозии.
всички други раздраха гърлата си,
че не можем да ги очароваме ...

ти ми липсваш. в това измерение.
точно тук, дето свършват заблудите.
колко пъти да мамя душата си,
обедняла без теб ... до полуда ?


някой пак
е преравял душата ми
и е прогонил
хлапето от нея
някой пак
ме е пуснал по вятъра
без да го проумее
някой пак
не е схванал задачата
и свързал погрешни конци
някой пак
се е ровил в душата ми
без да ме предупреди
някой пак
някой пак
и отново
Господи, помогни
дай ми една
от ония
и издръжливи души
искам да имам
и нокти и зъби
Господи, помогни
дай ми една от коравите
и далечни души.

понеделник, 12 април 2010 г.

losing my religion.

dr. Meredith Grey: just leave me alone !
dr. Derek Shepherd: i just wanted to make sure u're alright.
dr. Meredith Grey: no ! i'm not alright ! okay ? are u satisfied ? i'm not alright ! because u have a wife, and u call me a whore, and our dog died. and now, u're looking at me. stop looking at me !
dr. Derek Shepherd: i'm not looking at u. i am not looking at u !
dr. Meredith Grey: u are looking at me ! and u watch me ! and Finn has plans ! and i like Finn, he's perfect for me, and i'm really trying here to be happy, and i can't breathe. i can't breathe with u looking at me like that, so just stop !
dr. Derek Shepherd: u think i want to look at u ? that i wouldn't rather be looking at my wife ? i'm married. i have responsibilities. she doesn't drive me crazy, she doesn't make it impossible for me to feel normal, she doesn't make me sick to my stomach thinking about my veterinarian touching her with his hands ! man i would give anything, not to be looking at u !


Finn Dandridge: Liz was my wife. when she died, u do this thing where u stop making plans because u had plans and there was a car crash and ur plans dissapear. i just try to get from sun up to sun down. that's as far into the future as i can handle and i've been fine with that, i have, but right now, looking at u, damn, i have all kinds of plans.


dr. Alex Karev: the problem is the colors and - and the balloons and the under the sea. no, it's titanic. hey, let's go with tears in heaven. no, that's too morbid. it should be pink, it should be red, it should be a freakin' rainbow.


Denny Duquette: for five years, i've had to live by the choices of my doctors. the guys that cut me open decided my life, there wasn't one choice that was mine. and now, i have this heart that beats and works. i get to be like everybody else, i get to make my own decisions, have my own life, do whatever the damned hell i choose. now here's the good part, so u listen close. what i choose is u. u're who i want to wake up with and go to bed with and do everything in between with. i get a choice now. i get to choose. i choose u, Izzie Stevens. ok, it's ur turn again.


dr. Isobel "Izzie" Stevens: . we can't get married. i mean that would be insane. we should date, and have sex. plenty of sex. u know when ur heart gets better and u're out of the hospital, all the sex u can handle. but marriage is, um, marriage ...


dr. Cristina Yang: i didn't like teenage girls when i was a teenage girl.

горчиво вино и евтим евтимов.

на две ...

пристига съдията изпълнител
останалата пепел да дели.
на две - последната ни среща скрита,
на две - това, което ни боли.

на две - трохите от угаснал спомен,
неразделим от вековете бил.
на две - живота ни, все тъй огромен,
едно забравял, друго не открил.

на две - живяно и непреживяно,
на две - неопростени грехове,
на две - сърце, от две сърца събрано,
на две - самите ние с теб, на две ...

неразделима само, като свяст,
остава тъмна болка между нас.


до тебе ...

до тебе пътят вече е затворен,
а може би - засипан зарад мен.

все още се намират лоши хора,
замесени от пръст на черен ден.

прозорецът отдавна закован е,
заключен е отвътре твоят дом.
от тропане - ръцете са раздрани,
от викане - заглъхвам мълчешком.

до тебе не достига даже стона,
изтръгнат от вулкана мой ... но аз
открих днес жицата на телефона -
единствената връзка между нас,

през входа й невидим се проврях
и влязох пак при своя грях.


искаш всичко

искаш всичко за миг. ала нека
недолюбено нещо остане,
нека дългата наша пътека
да не бъде докрай извървяна;

нека има и лято, и зима,
нека има и песен, и мъка;
незавършена среща да има,
незавършена още разлъка

че научим ли всичко за рая,
че завършим ли всяка измама,
значи вече сме стигнали края
и очакване повече няма ...

зад дима на безсънните нощи
изгорели са всичките пощи.



луна в луната,
луна огромна,
на теб самата
какво ти спомня ?

как пълно свети
утеха в нея,
отвът небето
как пълно грее.

луна - за двама,
луна - отрязък,
но теб те няма
и няма празник.

луната - пълна,
душата - празна ...



от грешна истина ли загорчи,
или от истина, че пак не ида,
вдигни под тъмното небе очи
и изплачи набраната обида.

и всички срещи изплачи навън,
по - хубаво - завинаги раздяла,
отколкото един измамен сън,
отколкото сълза, на камък спряла.

веднъж добър, отново после лош,
веднъж: смирение, веднъж: жарава,
о, изплачи ме ти през тая нощ,
о, изплачи ме ти като забрава.

след капките на твойте сълзи
жестоко многоточие остава ...



аз никога не бях открадвал суми,
записани на името на друг.
от тебе си открадвах само думи,
изпратена за топлина на юг.

аз дълго чаках светлината в мрака
да се усмихне с твоите черти,
затуй аз сам откраднах снощи влака,
отново да не си заминеш ти.

отвлякох те в измисления замък,
отвлякох те на остров непознат,

да скрием своя непогален пламък
и своите следи от този свят.

било излишно ... още щом те скрих,
издаде ни един любовен стих ...


очи в очи

дали ще бъда аз, или не бъда,
едва ли мога туй да разреша.
аз знам, че ти си моята присъда,
дори понякога да не греша.

дори да свърши срещата с разлъка,
аз няма да умра от вик свиреп.
за мене вече си последна мъка,
макар че аз съм първата за теб.

едва ли сам трагично ще заплача,
когато твоя огън ще горчи.
объркано край тебе пак ще крача
и неизказаното ще мълчи.

дано мълчи. дано мълчим. сред здрача
да има само шепот на очи.



заклехме се - пристигне ли разлъка,
обратно да вървим един към друг,

че според заклинанието - мъка
непоправимото ще стане тук.

аз чувах в мрака стъпките прощални,
но казвах на сълзата - да мълчи;

ти пламваше от тайните ми жални,
но не обръщаше назад очи.

да няма вик - обратно да се върна,
да няма повик страшен: - остани !
... обърнах се, когато се обърна,
и нещо в тоя миг ни вкамени.

два камъка замръзнаха на път,
наказани виновно да мълчат.


и си мислех ...

и си мислех: протегнал ръце,
всички пътища твои ще хвана,
ще почукам на твойто сърце
и завинаги мое ще стане.

и си мислех: дори да греша,
ще отворя вратата последна,
ще излъжа аз твойта душа
и до нея щастливо ще седна.

и си мислех: пристигнеш ли тук,
твоя огън утеха ще има.
но протегнал ръцете на юг,
аз напразно зовях твойто име.

ти премина край мен като звук,
непозната и неуловима.



и ако ти не съществуваш още,
аз мога утре пак да те създам
от болката на тези дълги нощи.
и няма повече да бъда сам.

и пак ще има радости и срещи,
небе открито, птици и море ...
човек живее в името на нещо
и трябва пак за нещо да умре.